Rabu, 06 April 2011


1. Brand definition is a name, sign, symbol, design or combination of these things are intended to identify (differentiate) stem or services of the seller and other sellers of goods and services (kotler, 2001)


2. Definition of the Brand Name is a text that identifies a product. 

3. Logo Definition (Cues, Emblem, symbol, Symbols, And the Flag) is a graphic element for trade mark or jenama, which is set in a font / type taip typical, or regulated in some form, and be recognized. The shape, color, type taip, etc.. It is necessary clearly different from the others in the market that same.

4. Trademarks definition is an identity of the product.

5. The definition of Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator or copyright holders to regulate the use of the infusion of ideas or specific information. In essence, copyright is a "right to copy an invention". Copyright holders can also allow those rights to restrict unauthorized copying of any creation. In general too, copyright has a limited validity period specified.


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