Senin, 25 April 2011

Tugas Penggantar Bahasa Inggris

Causative Verb “Have”
Causative “Have” Is Followed By The Simple Form Of A Verb, Not An Infinitive. (Causative “Have” Diikuti Oleh Verb 1 (Tanpa Tambahan S/-Es), Bukan Diikuti Oleh Infinitif (To+Verb1)).
-  I Had John Repair My Bike. (Correct)
-  I Had John To Repair My Bike. (Incorrect,Because It Is Followed By An Infinitive)
È Kalimat Ke 2 Salah Karena Diikuti Oleh Infinitif (To+Verb1)
Have Gives The Idea That X Request Y To Do Something. ( Have Menunjukkan Bahwa X Meminta Y” Untuk Melakukan Sesuatu.)
È The Formula Is: “X” Has/Have/Had “Y” Do Something (Simple Form) (Rumusnya Adalah “X” Has/Have/Had “Y” Melakukakn Sesuatu (Verb Dalam Bentuk Sederhana(Verb1 Tanpa Tambahan S/-Es)).
Examples:        - Mary Has John Carry Her Bag.
Means(Artinya): John Carried The Bag Because Mary Ask Him To. ( John Membawa Tas Karena Mary Menyuruhnya).
                        -I Have Jane Put My Books
Means: Jane Put My Books Because I Ask Her To.
- Tom Had Jane Clean The Room Yesterday
È Using “Had” Because The Adverb Of Time Is Yesterday. But Still The Verb Is In Simple Form.

Fill In The Blanks With The Right Form Of Causative Have, And Choose The Right Form Of Verb Given In The Brakets. (Isilah Dengan Bentuk Causative Have Yang Benar, Dan Pilih Salah Satu Bentuk Verb Yang Benar Yang Diberikan Di Dalam Kurung)
1.   We Had Our Treasury Bought Our New Books Yesterday. (Buy / Buys / Bought / To Buy)
2. She Has Her Mom Cooked Dinner For Her. (Cook / Cooks / Cooked / To Cook )
3. He Had His Brother Done His Homework Last Night(Do / Does / Did / Done)
4. Tom Is Having Bill Written The Report At The Moment. (Write / Writes / Writing / Written)
5. Mike Has Jenni Saved His Data. (Save / Saving / Saves / Saved)
6. Bob Has His Packages  Delivered By The Postman. ( Deliver / Delivers / Delivered / Delivery)
7.  Eddy Had His Data Changed By His Secretary Last Week. (Change / Changes / Changed / Changing)
8.  Marie Is Having Her House Painted By The Workmen At The Moment. ( Paint / Painting / Painted / Paints)
9. Jonny Has His Car Parked By The Parking Man. (Park / Parks / Parking / Parked)
10.            They Is Having Their Maid Cleaned Their Room Right Now. (Clean / Cleaned / Cleans / Cleaning)

The End Of The Test

five family members

About Family

In the middle of town bustling with hectic activity. In a housing complex, at noon there is a housewife, was busy preparing lunch for the family makannan the small comprised of five members consisting of father, mother, two daughters and one son. The mother named Zubaidah Salamah called mother Ida. Mom this one is his hobby of cooking and has a side job in the field of cooking also is catring who has ten ten employees and one special assistant who helps her home. And he is an alumni of private universities in pelembang majored in economics with management, to graduate degree and had worked at one private bank office in Jakarta, but now he is no longer in office work. And the husband as well as heads of household who has a wife and three children, named Imam Samsudin by his nickname Udin origin betawi pack. He graduated from the university in Jakarta. And now, he as head of marketing department of information technology in a private company. He was lucky because in addition to having a family who love and support her work, some colleagues and subordinates of a solid to assist all project work.

Children first woman named Umm Qulsum often called with QQ by friends - his friends. He is studying at a private university in bogor English literature majors who took this and follow one set of students is on campus that is HIPMA (Perss Student Association) and as a freelance journalist at a magazine that fills the rubik literature, which is published every month. And this year he is working on the preparation of the final thesis. While this second child is three years with his older permpuannya. The younger brother named Achmad Zakaria with penggilannya name Zack, who just feel the college atmosphere that is free in expressing themselves and determine its future. He majored in informatics system similar to that taken by his father's department at college first. And this time he followed the football club that is still under the auspices of private universities in depok.

The third child was named Anissa Zahira who are called by Rara, who now attend high school on the second level and includes student achievement in school. He is one of the children who are in the natural science class and never represent Indonesia in an Olympic biology in the international arena by acquiring a gold medal. And it makes the proud parents, school, friends - friends and people of Indonesia. He has ideals - ideals like to get scholarship abroad namely in Germany and become a pediatrician.

Rabu, 06 April 2011


1. Brand definition is a name, sign, symbol, design or combination of these things are intended to identify (differentiate) stem or services of the seller and other sellers of goods and services (kotler, 2001)


2. Definition of the Brand Name is a text that identifies a product. 

3. Logo Definition (Cues, Emblem, symbol, Symbols, And the Flag) is a graphic element for trade mark or jenama, which is set in a font / type taip typical, or regulated in some form, and be recognized. The shape, color, type taip, etc.. It is necessary clearly different from the others in the market that same.

4. Trademarks definition is an identity of the product.

5. The definition of Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator or copyright holders to regulate the use of the infusion of ideas or specific information. In essence, copyright is a "right to copy an invention". Copyright holders can also allow those rights to restrict unauthorized copying of any creation. In general too, copyright has a limited validity period specified.




The more people know the more questions arise. Curiosity will be the origin and destination, of the nature of self, about fate, about freedom and its possibilities. The more humans will dissect caught him, the more left side of the ignorance of himself. Until now, humans are the biggest mysteries in the world that has a lot of questions, which are written in ancient rhyme:
--- I came out of nowhere,
I am whatever ----,
---- I went some where,
I'm going to die --- at some point,
I'm surprised that I'm happy ...
(Quoted from the book Entrance Into the World of Philosophy, page 9)

I. Preliminary
Number of questions is what causes humans befikir will himself, be its existence, will survive, and all desires. Thinking process is then developed into a science, which is used as a tool to maintain its existence. Because after the main factors that most necessary man is life.
That's why the science develops further as a result of the growing challenges, bring people more creative and innovative in taking advantage of all opportunities that exist in addressing any shortcomings and weaknesses in an effort to preserve her life to impact the emergence of a desire to satisfy the needs other.

II. Human Self Itself
Man or man can be interpreted differently according to the biological, spiritual, and cultural terms, or a mixture. Biologically, humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for man), a species of primate brain comes from a class mamaliayang high rate capability. In terms of spirituality, they are described using the concept of a varied life in which, in religion. In cultural anthropology, they are described based on the use of language, and mainly based on their ability to form groups and institutions to support and help each other. There is also a classification based on sex, men, ranging from fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, youths, adults, and parents.

II.a. Philosophical Perspective
By nature humans are divided into two, namely the nature of sport and the nature of the soul. The human body has a lot in common with other living beings, namely the physical element amupun chemical. The human body is required to grow and adapt to the environment sekitarnya.Dalam responding this soul, in the view from the east, the incarnation of the soul is the sense here meant in the effort to achieve a sense of aesthetic value, not the taste that comes everyday.
Human based perspective of social sciences is a creature who wants to earn profits or always take into account every activity (homo economicus), humans as social beings, human beings who want to have power, nor as civilized beings (homo humanus).

II.b. Psychology Perspective
Sigmund Freud's theory psikoanalisnya, divide human personality into three angles, namely:

1. Id (the unconscious),
2. Ego (conscious mind)
3. Super ego (personality structure)

From the point of feeling, human beings have two kinds of feelings, the sensory and spiritual. Sensory feelings are physical stimuli through the five senses, while the spiritual stimulation is a sublime feeling that is only found in humans, for example: feelings of intellectual, ethical, aesthetic, sense of self, feelings of social and religious feeling.

II.c. Psycho-Man Chart Sosiogram
Here is an example of Psycho-Sosiogram human chart:

taken from the book "Mentality and Development"
No. 7 and 6 referred to as the no conscious and sub conscious. Involuntary because it was embedded deep within the human self and unable to realize even the man himself. Sub-conscious because when - the time element - the element that has been embedded can be blown out again and disrupt the daily habit - day.
No. 5 is called consciousness that is not stated. That is the mind - thoughts and ideas that have saved himself by these people and no one else who may know about it. Number 4 is called consciousness is expressed. the opposite of number 5, this means that humans mengungkapkankepada other people what's on his mind such as feelings, knowledge and so forth.
No. 3 is called the circle toucher. Here men have somebody or something considered to be an outpouring of heart and a place to ask for help. Not always another human being but also objects, or other living creature could be in this circle. Number 2 is called circle of useful links. Could be analogous to the relationship between students with teachers, traders and buyers.
Number 1 is called a circle distant relationship, which means human thoughts and ideas about various things. Number 0 is called the outside world environment, which means about one's opinions and thoughts about the world or a region that has never visited or encountered.

III. Individual Human Beings Burst Social Beings cultured
Culture comes from the word culture means matters relating to the mind and human reason. Kebudyaan definition itself is something that will affect the level of knowledge and include the system of ideas or the ideas contained in the human mind, so that in everyday life, the culture is abstract. Yet our culture can also enjoy with our senses. Song, dance, and language is one form of culture that we can feel.
Man and culture is one bond that can not be separated in this life. Man as God's most perfect creatures create their own culture and preserve it very day. Culture is created from daily activities and also from the events - events that have been set by the Almighty.

III.a. Human Culture
So we can say humans are individual beings and as social beings, as social beings in pursuit of human needs have to deal with other humans who also have interests to meet their individual needs, so often the case that a conflict of interest between the human, as eventually raised a middle road value along the so-called ethics together. Ethics is then shared for generations to be a common norm and eventually evolved into a culture.
Every culture has its roots in perspective and attitude patterns of certain social groups against what they need. It all could not be separated by natural conditions and environment, so that there perbadaan between eastern viewpoint and western perspectives. Lush natural environment that produces a variety of biological and non biological wealth that provides the fulfillment of the requirements established fiilnya eastern culture into a culture that pattern is not competitive, less creative and tend to be cooperative. While that is not fertile nature will produce a creative culture in the search for fulfillment of conflict resolution behavior, and tend to compete in a individualistic.

III.b Polemic Culture
But along with the growing problem that must be faced by humans, such as the increasing number of human population, the less our natural resources, and the strengthening of competition over individualistic human desire to be able to meet their needs, there was a cultural development that result in the absorption of one culture to another as side effect of the search for natural resources, then munculah process of cultural shift resulting from changes in moral or ethical views in a given society.
That process can include the exchange of knowledge, exchange of natural resources, education, information and so forth. This is the polemic between the point of view of the east with the western perspective, of giving meaning and value to a problem. Along with the polemics that happens that's emerged from the dialectic synthesis of east versus west of internationalism.

IV. International Cultural versus Eastern Culture and Western Culture
Alvin Tofler mention the stage in a wave of cultural change the culture of a community level, namely:
a. Agriculture, characterized as the life of farming communities.
b. Industry, Perkembangnya processing industry in order to maximize existing natural resources. In these conditions people become increasingly individualized to satisfy their needs were all fighting tool.
c. Information, the child's wilyah and information causes people to each other racing to find and exchange information about the source of need fulfillment.
d. Democratization / Internationalization, exchange of information turned into a process of mutual cooperation of every human being as well as community groups. Society no longer bound within a certain community groups in the region, because the newly formed group is not based on existing boundaries, but on shared interests.

IV.a. Attitude In Culture
socio-cultural, political, education, human relations, public relations and others. The existence of good attitude from the standpoint of western and eastern perspective also lead to the existence of two kinds of attitude, namely (1) reject the extreme act of cultural change that comes the segmentation of the traditional eastern culture and traditional western culture, (2) accept the mixing of eastern and western culture so as to produce new culture, namely the international culture.
The existence of the acceptance of this cultural mixing which resulted in a shift in the attitude of human values, namely:
a. not due to natural ramahnya,
b. a natural mixture of eastern mystical thought with rational thought from the realm of natural western thought.
c. there are no boundaries associated with community groups.

IV.b. The seven elements of universal culture
1. Religious System
2. System of Social Organization
3. Knowledge Systems
4. Livelihood Systems and the System of Life - Economic Systems
5. Systems and Technology
6. Language
7. Art

kutipan-kutipan dari:

Lihat Juga Yang Ini:
Manusia dan Kebudayaan.


While following the basic Internet lab at the University Gunadarma located on the campus D321 Margonda, depok. And this lab is a facility provided by the University Gunadarma who can feel in this semester.
I feel more familiar with basic internet even though only 3 times (in 3 weeks) meetings. But the materials provided are very helpful in the academic activities such as lectures and job search materials by non-academic like softskill development.
In my opinion, current lab assistant must have been through a fairly rigorous selection process to get the position. So there is now an assistant who was the choice. However, the skill or style of teaching that appear less attractive.
Even so, I would like to thank the lab assistants. basic Internet and Universities Gunadarma of this program is bona fide.

Senin, 04 April 2011

The experience of end March

The experience of end March  

Wednesday, 30 March 2011, a cool and quiet morning I get ready to go to college. That morning I left the house with my mother, my mother Went outlets like the direction of my week. We Also Happen to go together, along the way my mother toll me about anything and life advice. Arriving in the market week, I Kissed my mother tanggan sabagai sign I take leave to go to college. But, Suddenly my mom said if she wanted to come with me to college, I'm with the liver happy. Unlike in the journey from home to the market last week, Pls this mother considers only state travel alone and occasionally ask questions.

Arriving, I was in college I Went right off the bus and pay for it. After that, I hold my mother's hand menggajak he was crossing the road. And I accompanied my mother to waiting for a bus. After the motherboard stores the bus I Went straight into the campus and into classrooms. When lessons begin I'm not the spirit to learn, so I just chatted with friends at the next course.

After the lesson I was with six of my friends, go to the café We Used to go near campus, and Also happened to me and Some of us' there is someone WHO has an appointment with one of the journalists from the print media in depok for shooting, Because We have participated in one of the fields of public comment. Before that, We Had lunch Because there are six of us WHO do not eat breakfast. So We Were all starving.

After the café We plan to house one of our friends are in citayem WHO Trains using fire. We headed to the train station the which is behind our campus. After We buy tickets at the counter, We waited for the train in pralon That led to bogor. We Heard the train coming penggumumman us, and the poorer our train was still in Tebet. Our Long Enough waiting for his train, Pls the train is on the market weeks I teringgat with my promise to my sister Who Will deliver my task book Nati afternoon. Eventually I did not go with my friends.

Immediately I Went to one of my lodging house the which is across campus. Apparently there were the resource persons Some friends I was looking for boarding. Finally I Went looking for Them. After a long search, We Were Tired and returned to the lodging house of our friends. There We Were working on a task That Had We have not time to finish. After We complete the task, We Were hungry and wanted food. Then I'm with friends I Went to buy dumplings That acres near the campus by using motorcycles have one of our friends. We Went to the road past the highway depok, using one helmet That Is in use at the Same time he was my friend WHO drove it, with no vehicle registration and driver's license. With how dare We drove to the highway, Pls she reached our campuses directly purchase what friends Leave us alone. After that, We Immediately drove to the place of boarding our friends, but in the middle of the road the two of us Who Are not wearing crash helmet seen by police. And the call to marginalize his motorcycle into the side of the road. After a long talk, the poorer the police asked for money to our 200 000;. We give money and finally 80.000;. We Were Immediately rushed to the place We Were persaan mixed boarding with friends, there is feeling anger, fear,tried etc.