Senin, 09 Mei 2011

in my opinion, it is criminal...


Criminality is the thing - things that are criminal, which is a process that shows the actions, events or incidents that violate criminal law. And can be punished by laws - laws that apply.Share the criminal events that occurred in various places, time and opportunity. With a variety of ways in which such as fraud, pemerasaan, robbery, misappropriation of funds and abuse of authority. This all can happen in various fields of economic, social, cultural, political, legal, up to international relations and information technology. And this can happen in society Umm, community organizations, political parties, a company, in a bank, governance institutions and all levels of power and institutions in society.This criminal case, due to various factors that underlie a person or persons to commit a criminal act. And as for trending factors - such as the following factors: lack of competent human resources, and berkuantitas berkualits accordance with the expertise and ability, because of lack of education or science penggetahuan supports adequate, less strong economy to support herself. This crime occurred because of lack of supervision and a weak legal action and selective logging.Various ways in which to conduct a criminal tindakkan who has organized or not organized to perform the action. They also use all means for the goals and targets they want to achieve can be accomplished. They also perform an action with a cunning and ruthless manner such as to threaten, kill, and suggesting the wrong ideology. Thus creating susasana, situations and conditions very difficult and complicated; kepanikkan, fear and mental pressure for korabannya. While this situation has created the criminal easily manage and menggendalikan circumstances they want.Therefore, we all must be aware of and anticipate every possibility that will happen in our lives lingkungnan. By the way, namely the first mode, menggenal our environment by socializing with neighbors, relatives and friends sepermainana. The second way, mepelajari general and specialized knowledge in formal education or informal education in depth. The third way, fortify themselves with carrying out orders and stay away from that in laranggan taught by religion. The fourth mode, which menegetahui rights and duties of the lives we live. The fourth mode, mengaantisipasi, mewaspadasi, and analyzing events that are happening and will happen, so that we avoid things - things that are not diingginkan. Fifth, if it occurs crime reported to the police authorities.

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